The John Robert Lewis Scholars & Fellows Program is now accepting applications for 2024-2025

The Faith & Politics Institute (FPI) is a driving force for cooperation, empathy and progress in an increasingly polarized society. FPI’s scholars & fellows represent some of the nation’s brightest minds, committed to nonviolence and propelling their communities and government forward. Founded by the civil rights activist and icon John R. Lewis, FPI equips the next generation of changemakers with the skills, experiences, and confidence to build bridges in divided times.

"All of these people who are connected in this network are doing amazing work and are amazing people outside of their work with FPI in their respective fields, at their schools, in their communities.” – Bianca Torres Murray, John Robert Lewis Scholar, University of California Berkeley

“I love the FPI family, and the FPI community has really affected my life tremendously… it has been a huge source of inspiration for my hope and my vision for change in humanity, but also for my dream of one day becoming a leader.” – Kelvin Mbi, John Robert Lewis Fellow, Howard University School of Divinity

“FPI has been a foundational piece of me continuing to be willing and excited about the work that needs to be done.” – Lauren Tolbert, John Robert Lewis Scholar, Claflin University

“With FPI we are touching history, we are the continuation of that history. And that statement is super powerful, to say ‘I’ve touched where great leaders have been and where they stood and the things that they stood for, I’m a continuation of that.” – Terrell Respass, John Robert Lewis Leader, RTX

“I could see the characteristics that I've always wanted to be a part of in FPI by creating this cultural culture of service, this idea that we're servicing all of humanity rather than just one set agenda, and I think that's the beauty with FPI” – Jesus Murillo, John Robert Lewis Fellow, Harvard Divinity School

Applications for the Cohort 4 of the John Robert Lewis Scholars & Fellows Program are now open through November 1st. Click here to learn more about the program and how to apply!


Cohorts two and three outside the U.S. Capitol Building


John Robert Lewis Scholars, Fellows & Leaders with Congressman Jim Clyburn

Marisa Pryor (Center), Director of Educational Programs, with speakers Jennifer Lawson (Left) and Judy Richardson (Right), members of SNCC.