Sociolinguistic Interview Critique: How does a 75-year old Black man view the N-word in 2024 versus how he viewed it as a youth?


An Oral History Project Conducted by John Robert Lewis Scholar Alton Coston III


Project Description

The n-word is one of the most polarizing words among humanity. Given the word’s historical usage within and against the African-American community, it holds meaning that some Black Americans consider offensive whereas others use it in today's society as a means of cultural reclamation. My sociolinguistic oral history project focuses on how my 75-year old grandfather, Charles Jerome Wynn, views the n-word in 2024 in comparison to his years of youth as a burgeoning politically-conscious student at Elizabeth City State University in North Carolina marching in the Civil Rights Movement.


Oral History Interview with Charles Jerome Wynn - 06/07/2024


Presentation Slides


Presentation Recording