An Oral History Project Conducted by John Robert Lewis Fellow Dr. Cameron Randle
Project Description
For my Oral History Project, I interviewed Dr. J. Fidel Turner, Dean of School of Education at Clark Atlanta University who shared the rich history, legacy, and leadership of President Rufus Early Clement. Dr. Clement, the sixth President of Atlanta University, was the longest serving president in the history of the institution. He won election to the Atlanta Board of Education in 1953 and was the first Black to be elected to an official office since the Reconstruction Period. Clement was born in 19000, in Salisbury, North Carolina. After receiving his Ph.D., he taught and held many administrative titles in his career. He was appointed as President of Atlanta University in 1937. While President Clement served on the American Council on Education, The United Negro College Fund, and was appointed by President Dwight D. Eisenhower to the United Service Organization. Clement served as president until his death in 1967. The School of Education at Clark Atlanta University was named after President Clement in 1966 because of his dedication and future of education.
Oral History Interview
Presentation Slides

Presentation Recording