The Buffalo Soldiers: An Interview with Floyd Gray


An Oral History Project Conducted by John Robert Lewis Leader Cedric Smith


Project Description

Throughout American history while experiencing racial discrimination and disparity, the so-called Negro, Colored, Black American, African American, American Descendant of Slavery, have fought in every United States war, conflict, and military operation with little to no reward or acceptance into full citizenship. Patriotism ran and still runs deep within my people.  These are just a few reasons why I chose to do an oral history report on the Buffalo Soldiers. Specifically, the Greater Southern Arizona Area, Chapter of The National 9th and 10th (Horse) Calvary Association. The Tucson Buffalo Soldier Memorial/Plaza, which was completed late April 2021, is in the famous Quincie Douglas Neighborhood Center in Tucson, Arizona. 

The oral history report will consist of an interview with Mr. Floyd Gray, in which he will address the beginnings of the Buffalo Soldiers on how they were Civil War veterans and park rangers.  Then we will transition into the operations they were assigned out west. The report will also speak on the challenges the Buffalo Soldiers faced involving racial discrimination, lack of supplies, and how they were still instrumental in protecting the west.  This will be a history that is often missed and rarely celebrated by all Americans. I am grateful to have this opportunity to share this history and keep the name of the Buffalo Soldiers alive.


Oral History Interview with Floyd Gray - 05/23/2024


Presentation Slides


Presentation Recording