Following the Footsteps of Giants: Interview with Dr. Robert Higgins


An Oral History Project Conducted by John Robert Lewis Fellow Ibraheem Hamzat


Project Description

Since childhood, I have always imagined that I would become a cardiac surgeon. I would look up everything I could about the career, ranging from the anatomy of the heart to the lives of the surgeons themselves. It was within this context that I first learned about Dr. Robert Higgins when I was in high school.

My presentation seeks to give a detailed overview of the life, challenges, and achievements of my mentor, Dr. Higgins. He is a man who has played a crucial role in the careers of many cardiothoracic surgeons and in the lives of thousands of patients and their families. This project aims to serve as a living tribute to his contributions and to inspire future generations of cardiac surgeons on their journey toward achieving health equity.


Oral History Interview with Dr. Robert Higgins - 06/20/2024


Presentation Slides


Presentation Recording