An Oral History Project Conducted by John Robert Lewis Scholar Salena Braye-Bulls
Project Description
There’s no one quite like Cherry Steinwender. From her founding and leadership of the Center for the Healing of Racism in Houston, TX (CFHR) 35 years ago to her ubiquitous presence as a sage, compassionate advocate, Cherry walks the walk and always talks the talk. Her work to educate, empower, and heal folks from their racial conditioning is central to the CFHR’s world famous programming. Uniquely, her personal story and dedication to embodying oneness are equally significant to the CFHR’s current efforts and legacy. In Oneness is an oral history project dedicated to and about Cherry Steinwender, her triumphs against hate, and her beautiful soul as told by her former intern and current loved one, Salena Braye-Bulls.
Oral History Interview Recording - 06/29/2022
Presentation Slides

Presentation Recording