An Oral History Project Conducted by John Robert Lewis Leader Terrel Respass
Project Description
The concept for my oral project came from the 2023 Congressional Pilgrimage to Selma where we participated in the festivities and attended a panel discussion of Women Leaders (Community) who participated in the Children’s March on Bloody Sunday - March 7, 1965. Mrs. Lynda Blackmon Lowery takes us on a journey through Selma in her words, sharing the initial works of Dr. Bernard Lafayette, Jr., and the non-violence principals. She also shares her personal commitment at the age of 7 years old to make a difference in the world due to her experiences, and how a Sunday Service by Dr. Martin Luther King would change her life, forever. She addresses the post-traumatic stress and weight of the history that loomed over her for decades, and how we should educate the future generations to never allow the horrors of the past to shape our tomorrow.
Oral History Interview with Lynda Blackmon Lowery - xx/xx/2023 (date)
Presentation Slides

Presentation Recording