An Interview with Sharmain Harris

An Oral History Project Conducted by John Robert Lewis Leader Tyler Clark


Project Description

This oral history shares the inspiring story of a man who has overcome incredible odds and become a leader in his community. His name is Sharmain Harris, and he is a father, husband, professor, speaker, business owner, and former inmate from Kenosha, Wisconsin.

Sharmain has a remarkable personal journey of transformation and redemption. He spent three years in prison for a crime he committed when he was young and reckless. He faced many challenges after his release, such as the stigma of being an ex-convict, the difficulty of finding a job, and the complexities of reentry programs. He also had to deal with the responsibilities and expectations of being a father and husband to his family.

But Sharmain did not give up on himself or his dreams. He worked hard to overcome the barriers to successful reentry into society and became a national speaker and trainer on father engagement and prison reentry. He also became involved in various organizations that help fathers and families in his community, such as child support, WIC, and early head start. He wrote a book called "Working With Dads: 7 Practical Steps to Engaging Fathers in Family Services" which gives practical advice and lessons to engage fathers who some consider "high risk."

Sharmain Harris is also a leader in his community who speaks out on the issues of racial injustice, police brutality, and systemic oppression that affect his community, especially after the shooting of Jacob Blake in Kenosha. He advocates for education and empowerment for marginalized groups and uses his platform to inspire others to make positive changes in their lives and society.


Oral History Interview with Sharmain Harris

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