John Robert Lewis leader
Inaugural Cohort
(2022 - 2023)
Sponsoring Organization: RTX
Undergraduate Institution: University of Connecticut (B.S. Electrical Engineering)
Graduate Institution: University of Connecticut (MBA), University of New Haven (M.S. Electrical Engineering)
Occupation: Program Model Manager PW1100G-JM. Pratt & Whitney
Career Goals/Interests: -
Current Region: Middletown, CT
JRL Program Bio: Hello, I am Akbar Coffy and was raised by a single mother, from Haiti. My mom emphasized the importance of education and made it a key element in my upbringing. I am married to my wonderful wife of 16 years, Rosemary. We have two amazing children, Ahmad and Ayanah. I received my Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering and a Master of Business Administration from the University of Connecticut, and a Master of Science in Electrical Engineering from the University of New Haven. I currently serve as the 30K Product Cost Associate Director at Pratt & Whitney, a subsidiary of RTX. I developed a small forum called Project RED (Racial Equitable Discussions).
Oral History Project: An Interview with Adhlere E. Coffy